Over the last 2 years the number of users worldwide using search engines has increased 3x. Although, English has the largest market share China has closed the gap following Spanish speaking languages.

foreign language seo

Opportunity in Foreign Language Search Engine Results Pages?

There’s a big opportunity in Baidu for Black Hat SEO. Here are the major difference in the between Google and Baidu:

Google Baidu
Page Title Major Major
Meta Description Minor Major
Meta Keywords None Major
Heading Tags Medium Major
Alt Tags Minor Major
Internal Anchor Text Major Medium
External Anchor Text Minor Medium
Quantity of Inbound Links Medium Major
Quality of Inbound Links Major Minor
Sitemap Medium Medium
Sitespeed Minor Major

Where Should You Start?

First,Determine if you have a large Hispanic customer base.

spanish seo

Next, combine any internal data you have.

spanish demographics

Sub-domains, Sub- Directories or ccTLD’s?

sub domain

Next Translate the URL’s for A Better UX