
Infrastructure & Cloud


We know how technology and digital trends are transforming your environment. We’ll uncover where the real value exists for you.

Infrastructure & Cloud2019-09-21T13:57:49+00:00

What do we mean by the cloud?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus fringilla ante eget tellus aliquam molestie. Aenean quis purus non arcu mattis euismod. Donec ne maximus eros. Sed quis tellus efficiti ornare turpis lacinia ritrim ligula.

What do we mean by the cloud?2016-11-09T15:57:13+00:00

Correlation: Call-Center & Web Property


- A correlation coefficient of +1 indicates a perfect positive correlation. As variable X increases, variable Y increases. As variable X decreases, variable Y decreases     A correlation coefficient [...]

Correlation: Call-Center & Web Property2014-07-03T18:51:47+00:00

SEO Audit for Cocoville


  I'm enjoying some time off in Phuket, Thailand and it's been an incredible experience. One of my long time passions has been revitalized and today I got a chance [...]

SEO Audit for Cocoville2014-04-16T06:59:35+00:00


10+ years of deep multi-channel, digital marketing analytics and e-commerce expertise accelerating revenue across leading global institutions by shaping digital strategy and delivering high-impact, technology-driven solutions in the telecommunications, high tech, media, food & beverage, commercial real estate, consumer goods and financial services industries.


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